Coloring: Shown here with added hand coloring of highlights. Also available in original lithographic colors only.

Comments: This temple at Maharraka, like many others, was still unfinished at the time it was converted to a church during the spread of early Christianity in Nubia. At the time of Roberts' visit it had been badly damaged by earthquakes but was still standing. It was later moved above Lake Nasser and reconstructed.

Catalog Number: EJ 112

Price: $125 uncolored, $175 colored.


Title: Ruins of Maharraka, Nubia.

Edition: Standard First Edition, 1842-49

Condition: Excellent. With accompanying text below the image and on verso.

Dimensions: Paper : 16 1/2" x 23 15/16"

Image: 9 15/16" x 13 3/4"